StatProfilerHTML.jl report
Generated on Thu, 26 Mar 2020 19:09:01
File source code
Line Exclusive Inclusive Code
1 # This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:
3 ## number-theoretic functions ##
5 """
6 gcd(x,y)
8 Greatest common (positive) divisor (or zero if `x` and `y` are both zero).
9 The arguments may be integer and rational numbers.
11 !!! compat "Julia 1.4"
12 Rational arguments require Julia 1.4 or later.
14 # Examples
15 ```jldoctest
16 julia> gcd(6,9)
17 3
19 julia> gcd(6,-9)
20 3
21 ```
22 """
23 function gcd(a::T, b::T) where T<:Integer
24 while b != 0
25 t = b
26 b = rem(a, b)
27 a = t
28 end
29 checked_abs(a)
30 end
32 # binary GCD (aka Stein's) algorithm
33 # about 1.7x (2.1x) faster for random Int64s (Int128s)
34 function gcd(a::T, b::T) where T<:Union{Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Int128,UInt128}
35 a == 0 && return abs(b)
36 b == 0 && return abs(a)
37 za = trailing_zeros(a)
38 zb = trailing_zeros(b)
39 k = min(za, zb)
40 u = unsigned(abs(a >> za))
41 v = unsigned(abs(b >> zb))
42 while u != v
43 if u > v
44 u, v = v, u
45 end
46 v -= u
47 v >>= trailing_zeros(v)
48 end
49 r = u << k
50 # T(r) would throw InexactError; we want OverflowError instead
51 r > typemax(T) && __throw_gcd_overflow(a, b)
52 r % T
53 end
54 @noinline __throw_gcd_overflow(a, b) = throw(OverflowError("gcd($a, $b) overflows"))
56 """
57 lcm(x,y)
59 Least common (non-negative) multiple.
60 The arguments may be integer and rational numbers.
62 !!! compat "Julia 1.4"
63 Rational arguments require Julia 1.4 or later.
65 # Examples
66 ```jldoctest
67 julia> lcm(2,3)
68 6
70 julia> lcm(-2,3)
71 6
72 ```
73 """
74 function lcm(a::T, b::T) where T<:Integer
75 # explicit a==0 test is to handle case of lcm(0,0) correctly
76 if a == 0
77 return a
78 else
79 return checked_abs(checked_mul(a, div(b, gcd(b,a))))
80 end
81 end
83 gcd(a::Union{Integer,Rational}) = a
84 lcm(a::Union{Integer,Rational}) = a
85 gcd(a::Real, b::Real) = gcd(promote(a,b)...)
86 lcm(a::Real, b::Real) = lcm(promote(a,b)...)
87 gcd(a::Real, b::Real, c::Real...) = gcd(a, gcd(b, c...))
88 lcm(a::Real, b::Real, c::Real...) = lcm(a, lcm(b, c...))
89 gcd(a::T, b::T) where T<:Real = throw(MethodError(gcd, (a,b)))
90 lcm(a::T, b::T) where T<:Real = throw(MethodError(lcm, (a,b)))
92 gcd(abc::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = reduce(gcd, abc; init=zero(eltype(abc)))
93 lcm(abc::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = reduce(lcm, abc; init=one(eltype(abc)))
95 function gcd(abc::AbstractArray{<:Integer})
96 a = zero(eltype(abc))
97 for b in abc
98 a = gcd(a,b)
99 if a == 1
100 return a
101 end
102 end
103 return a
104 end
106 # return (gcd(a,b),x,y) such that ax+by == gcd(a,b)
107 """
108 gcdx(x,y)
110 Computes the greatest common (positive) divisor of `x` and `y` and their Bézout
111 coefficients, i.e. the integer coefficients `u` and `v` that satisfy
112 ``ux+vy = d = gcd(x,y)``. ``gcdx(x,y)`` returns ``(d,u,v)``.
114 The arguments may be integer and rational numbers.
116 !!! compat "Julia 1.4"
117 Rational arguments require Julia 1.4 or later.
119 # Examples
120 ```jldoctest
121 julia> gcdx(12, 42)
122 (6, -3, 1)
124 julia> gcdx(240, 46)
125 (2, -9, 47)
126 ```
128 !!! note
129 Bézout coefficients are *not* uniquely defined. `gcdx` returns the minimal
130 Bézout coefficients that are computed by the extended Euclidean algorithm.
131 (Ref: D. Knuth, TAoCP, 2/e, p. 325, Algorithm X.)
132 For signed integers, these coefficients `u` and `v` are minimal in
133 the sense that ``|u| < |y/d|`` and ``|v| < |x/d|``. Furthermore,
134 the signs of `u` and `v` are chosen so that `d` is positive.
135 For unsigned integers, the coefficients `u` and `v` might be near
136 their `typemax`, and the identity then holds only via the unsigned
137 integers' modulo arithmetic.
138 """
139 function gcdx(a::T, b::T) where T<:Integer
140 # a0, b0 = a, b
141 s0, s1 = oneunit(T), zero(T)
142 t0, t1 = s1, s0
143 # The loop invariant is: s0*a0 + t0*b0 == a
144 while b != 0
145 q = div(a, b)
146 a, b = b, rem(a, b)
147 s0, s1 = s1, s0 - q*s1
148 t0, t1 = t1, t0 - q*t1
149 end
150 a < 0 ? (-a, -s0, -t0) : (a, s0, t0)
151 end
152 gcdx(a::Real, b::Real) = gcdx(promote(a,b)...)
153 gcdx(a::T, b::T) where T<:Real = throw(MethodError(gcdx, (a,b)))
155 # multiplicative inverse of n mod m, error if none
157 """
158 invmod(x,m)
160 Take the inverse of `x` modulo `m`: `y` such that ``x y = 1 \\pmod m``,
161 with ``div(x,y) = 0``. This is undefined for ``m = 0``, or if
162 ``gcd(x,m) \\neq 1``.
164 # Examples
165 ```jldoctest
166 julia> invmod(2,5)
167 3
169 julia> invmod(2,3)
170 2
172 julia> invmod(5,6)
173 5
174 ```
175 """
176 function invmod(n::T, m::T) where T<:Integer
177 g, x, y = gcdx(n, m)
178 g != 1 && throw(DomainError((n, m), "Greatest common divisor is $g."))
179 m == 0 && throw(DomainError(m, "`m` must not be 0."))
180 # Note that m might be negative here.
181 # For unsigned T, x might be close to typemax; add m to force a wrap-around.
182 r = mod(x + m, m)
183 # The postcondition is: mod(r * n, m) == mod(T(1), m) && div(r, m) == 0
184 r
185 end
186 invmod(n::Integer, m::Integer) = invmod(promote(n,m)...)
188 # ^ for any x supporting *
189 to_power_type(x) = convert(Base._return_type(*, Tuple{typeof(x), typeof(x)}), x)
190 @noinline throw_domerr_powbysq(::Any, p) = throw(DomainError(p,
191 string("Cannot raise an integer x to a negative power ", p, '.',
192 "\nConvert input to float.")))
193 @noinline throw_domerr_powbysq(::Integer, p) = throw(DomainError(p,
194 string("Cannot raise an integer x to a negative power ", p, '.',
195 "\nMake x or $p a float by adding a zero decimal ",
196 "(e.g., 2.0^$p or 2^$(float(p)) instead of 2^$p), ",
197 "or write 1/x^$(-p), float(x)^$p, x^float($p) or (x//1)^$p")))
198 @noinline throw_domerr_powbysq(::AbstractMatrix, p) = throw(DomainError(p,
199 string("Cannot raise an integer matrix x to a negative power ", p, '.',
200 "\nMake x a float matrix by adding a zero decimal ",
201 "(e.g., [2.0 1.0;1.0 0.0]^$p instead ",
202 "of [2 1;1 0]^$p), or write float(x)^$p or Rational.(x)^$p")))
833 (100 %) samples spent in power_by_squaring
833 (100 %) (incl.) when called from ^ line 339
function power_by_squaring(x_, p::Integer)
204 x = to_power_type(x_)
205 if p == 1
206 return copy(x)
207 elseif p == 0
208 return one(x)
209 elseif p == 2
210 return x*x
211 elseif p < 0
212 isone(x) && return copy(x)
213 isone(-x) && return iseven(p) ? one(x) : copy(x)
214 throw_domerr_powbysq(x, p)
215 end
216 t = trailing_zeros(p) + 1
217 p >>= t
218 while (t -= 1) > 0
219 x *= x
220 end
221 y = x
222 while p > 0
223 t = trailing_zeros(p) + 1
224 p >>= t
225 while (t -= 1) >= 0
226 50 (6 %)
50 (100 %) samples spent calling *
x *= x
227 end
228 783 (94 %)
783 (100 %) samples spent calling *
y *= x
229 end
230 return y
231 end
232 power_by_squaring(x::Bool, p::Unsigned) = ((p==0) | x)
233 function power_by_squaring(x::Bool, p::Integer)
234 p < 0 && !x && throw_domerr_powbysq(x, p)
235 return (p==0) | x
236 end
238 ^(x::T, p::T) where {T<:Integer} = power_by_squaring(x,p)
239 ^(x::Number, p::Integer) = power_by_squaring(x,p)
241 # x^p for any literal integer p is lowered to Base.literal_pow(^, x, Val(p))
242 # to enable compile-time optimizations specialized to p.
243 # However, we still need a fallback that calls the function ^ which may either
244 # mean Base.^ or something else, depending on context.
245 # We mark these @inline since if the target is marked @inline,
246 # we want to make sure that gets propagated,
247 # even if it is over the inlining threshold.
248 @inline literal_pow(f, x, ::Val{p}) where {p} = f(x,p)
250 # Restrict inlining to hardware-supported arithmetic types, which
251 # are fast enough to benefit from inlining.
252 const HWReal = Union{Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,Float32,Float64}
253 const HWNumber = Union{HWReal, Complex{<:HWReal}, Rational{<:HWReal}}
255 # Core.Compiler has complicated logic to inline x^2 and x^3 for
256 # numeric types. In terms of Val we can do it much more simply.
257 # (The first argument prevents unexpected behavior if a function ^
258 # is defined that is not equal to Base.^)
259 @inline literal_pow(::typeof(^), x::HWNumber, ::Val{0}) = one(x)
260 @inline literal_pow(::typeof(^), x::HWNumber, ::Val{1}) = x
261 @inline literal_pow(::typeof(^), x::HWNumber, ::Val{2}) = x*x
262 @inline literal_pow(::typeof(^), x::HWNumber, ::Val{3}) = x*x*x
264 # don't use the inv(x) transformation here since float^p is slightly more accurate
265 @inline literal_pow(::typeof(^), x::AbstractFloat, ::Val{p}) where {p} = x^p
266 @inline literal_pow(::typeof(^), x::AbstractFloat, ::Val{-1}) = inv(x)
268 # for other types, define x^-n as inv(x)^n so that negative literal powers can
269 # be computed in a type-stable way even for e.g. integers.
270 @inline @generated function literal_pow(f::typeof(^), x, ::Val{p}) where {p}
271 if p < 0
272 :(literal_pow(^, inv(x), $(Val{-p}())))
273 else
274 :(f(x,$p))
275 end
276 end
278 # note: it is tempting to add optimized literal_pow(::typeof(^), x, ::Val{n})
279 # methods here for various n, but this easily leads to method ambiguities
280 # if anyone has defined literal_pow(::typeof(^), x::T, ::Val).
282 # b^p mod m
284 """
285 powermod(x::Integer, p::Integer, m)
287 Compute ``x^p \\pmod m``.
289 # Examples
290 ```jldoctest
291 julia> powermod(2, 6, 5)
292 4
294 julia> mod(2^6, 5)
295 4
297 julia> powermod(5, 2, 20)
298 5
300 julia> powermod(5, 2, 19)
301 6
303 julia> powermod(5, 3, 19)
304 11
305 ```
306 """
307 function powermod(x::Integer, p::Integer, m::T) where T<:Integer
308 p < 0 && return powermod(invmod(x, m), -p, m)
309 p == 0 && return mod(one(m),m)
310 (m == 1 || m == -1) && return zero(m)
311 b = oftype(m,mod(x,m)) # this also checks for divide by zero
313 t = prevpow(2, p)
314 r::T = 1
315 while true
316 if p >= t
317 r = mod(widemul(r,b),m)
318 p -= t
319 end
320 t >>>= 1
321 t <= 0 && break
322 r = mod(widemul(r,r),m)
323 end
324 return r
325 end
327 # optimization: promote the modulus m to BigInt only once (cf. widemul in generic powermod above)
328 powermod(x::Integer, p::Integer, m::Union{Int128,UInt128}) = oftype(m, powermod(x, p, big(m)))
330 _nextpow2(x::Unsigned) = oneunit(x)<<((sizeof(x)<<3)-leading_zeros(x-oneunit(x)))
331 _nextpow2(x::Integer) = reinterpret(typeof(x),x < 0 ? -_nextpow2(unsigned(-x)) : _nextpow2(unsigned(x)))
332 _prevpow2(x::Unsigned) = one(x) << unsigned((sizeof(x)<<3)-leading_zeros(x)-1)
333 _prevpow2(x::Integer) = reinterpret(typeof(x),x < 0 ? -_prevpow2(unsigned(-x)) : _prevpow2(unsigned(x)))
335 """
336 ispow2(n::Integer) -> Bool
338 Test whether `n` is a power of two.
340 # Examples
341 ```jldoctest
342 julia> ispow2(4)
343 true
345 julia> ispow2(5)
346 false
347 ```
348 """
349 ispow2(x::Integer) = x > 0 && count_ones(x) == 1
351 """
352 nextpow(a, x)
354 The smallest `a^n` not less than `x`, where `n` is a non-negative integer. `a` must be
355 greater than 1, and `x` must be greater than 0.
357 # Examples
358 ```jldoctest
359 julia> nextpow(2, 7)
360 8
362 julia> nextpow(2, 9)
363 16
365 julia> nextpow(5, 20)
366 25
368 julia> nextpow(4, 16)
369 16
370 ```
372 See also [`prevpow`](@ref).
373 """
374 function nextpow(a::Real, x::Real)
375 x <= 0 && throw(DomainError(x, "`x` must be positive."))
376 # Special case fast path for x::Integer, a == 2.
377 # This is a very common case. Constant prop will make sure that a call site
378 # specified as `nextpow(2, x)` will get this special case inlined.
379 a == 2 && isa(x, Integer) && return _nextpow2(x)
380 a <= 1 && throw(DomainError(a, "`a` must be greater than 1."))
381 x <= 1 && return one(a)
382 n = ceil(Integer,log(a, x))
383 p = a^(n-1)
384 # guard against roundoff error, e.g., with a=5 and x=125
385 p >= x ? p : a^n
386 end
388 """
389 prevpow(a, x)
391 The largest `a^n` not greater than `x`, where `n` is a non-negative integer.
392 `a` must be greater than 1, and `x` must not be less than 1.
394 # Examples
395 ```jldoctest
396 julia> prevpow(2, 7)
397 4
399 julia> prevpow(2, 9)
400 8
402 julia> prevpow(5, 20)
403 5
405 julia> prevpow(4, 16)
406 16
407 ```
408 See also [`nextpow`](@ref).
409 """
410 function prevpow(a::Real, x::Real)
411 x < 1 && throw(DomainError(x, "`x` must be ≥ 1."))
412 # See comment in nextpos() for a == special case.
413 a == 2 && isa(x, Integer) && return _prevpow2(x)
414 a <= 1 && throw(DomainError(a, "`a` must be greater than 1."))
415 n = floor(Integer,log(a, x))
416 p = a^(n+1)
417 p <= x ? p : a^n
418 end
420 ## ndigits (number of digits) in base 10 ##
422 # decimal digits in an unsigned integer
423 const powers_of_ten = [
424 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000000000a, 0x0000000000000064, 0x00000000000003e8,
425 0x0000000000002710, 0x00000000000186a0, 0x00000000000f4240, 0x0000000000989680,
426 0x0000000005f5e100, 0x000000003b9aca00, 0x00000002540be400, 0x000000174876e800,
427 0x000000e8d4a51000, 0x000009184e72a000, 0x00005af3107a4000, 0x00038d7ea4c68000,
428 0x002386f26fc10000, 0x016345785d8a0000, 0x0de0b6b3a7640000, 0x8ac7230489e80000,
429 ]
430 function bit_ndigits0z(x::Base.BitUnsigned64)
431 lz = (sizeof(x)<<3)-leading_zeros(x)
432 nd = (1233*lz)>>12+1
433 nd -= x < powers_of_ten[nd]
434 end
435 function bit_ndigits0z(x::UInt128)
436 n = 0
437 while x > 0x8ac7230489e80000
438 x = div(x,0x8ac7230489e80000)
439 n += 19
440 end
441 return n + ndigits0z(UInt64(x))
442 end
444 ndigits0z(x::BitSigned) = bit_ndigits0z(unsigned(abs(x)))
445 ndigits0z(x::BitUnsigned) = bit_ndigits0z(x)
446 ndigits0z(x::Integer) = ndigits0zpb(x, 10)
448 ## ndigits with specified base ##
450 # The suffix "nb" stands for "negative base"
451 function ndigits0znb(x::Integer, b::Integer)
452 d = 0
453 if x isa Unsigned
454 d += (x != 0)::Bool
455 x = -signed(fld(x, -b))
456 end
457 # precondition: b < -1 && !(typeof(x) <: Unsigned)
458 while x != 0
459 x = cld(x,b)
460 d += 1
461 end
462 return d
463 end
465 # do first division before conversion with signed here, which can otherwise overflow
466 ndigits0znb(x::Bool, b::Integer) = x % Int
468 # The suffix "pb" stands for "positive base"
469 function ndigits0zpb(x::Integer, b::Integer)
470 # precondition: b > 1
471 x == 0 && return 0
472 b = Int(b)
473 x = abs(x)
474 if x isa Base.BitInteger
475 x = unsigned(x)::Unsigned
476 b == 2 && return sizeof(x)<<3 - leading_zeros(x)
477 b == 8 && return (sizeof(x)<<3 - leading_zeros(x) + 2) ÷ 3
478 b == 16 && return sizeof(x)<<1 - leading_zeros(x)>>2
479 b == 10 && return bit_ndigits0z(x)
480 if ispow2(b)
481 dv, rm = divrem(sizeof(x)<<3 - leading_zeros(x), trailing_zeros(b))
482 return iszero(rm) ? dv : dv + 1
483 end
484 end
486 d = 0
487 while x > typemax(Int)
488 x = div(x,b)
489 d += 1
490 end
491 x = div(x,b)
492 d += 1
494 m = 1
495 while m <= x
496 m *= b
497 d += 1
498 end
499 return d
500 end
502 ndigits0zpb(x::Bool, b::Integer) = x % Int
504 # The suffix "0z" means that the output is 0 on input zero (cf. #16841)
505 """
506 ndigits0z(n::Integer, b::Integer=10)
508 Return 0 if `n == 0`, otherwise compute the number of digits in
509 integer `n` written in base `b` (i.e. equal to `ndigits(n, base=b)`
510 in this case).
511 The base `b` must not be in `[-1, 0, 1]`.
513 # Examples
514 ```jldoctest
515 julia> Base.ndigits0z(0, 16)
516 0
518 julia> Base.ndigits(0, base=16)
519 1
521 julia> Base.ndigits0z(0)
522 0
524 julia> Base.ndigits0z(10, 2)
525 4
527 julia> Base.ndigits0z(10)
528 2
529 ```
531 See also [`ndigits`](@ref).
532 """
533 function ndigits0z(x::Integer, b::Integer)
534 if b < -1
535 ndigits0znb(x, b)
536 elseif b > 1
537 ndigits0zpb(x, b)
538 else
539 throw(DomainError(b, "The base must not be in `[-1, 0, 1]`."))
540 end
541 end
543 """
544 ndigits(n::Integer; base::Integer=10, pad::Integer=1)
546 Compute the number of digits in integer `n` written in base `base`
547 (`base` must not be in `[-1, 0, 1]`), optionally padded with zeros
548 to a specified size (the result will never be less than `pad`).
550 # Examples
551 ```jldoctest
552 julia> ndigits(12345)
553 5
555 julia> ndigits(1022, base=16)
556 3
558 julia> string(1022, base=16)
559 "3fe"
561 julia> ndigits(123, pad=5)
562 5
563 ```
564 """
565 ndigits(x::Integer; base::Integer=10, pad::Integer=1) = max(pad, ndigits0z(x, base))
567 ## integer to string functions ##
569 function bin(x::Unsigned, pad::Integer, neg::Bool)
570 i = neg + max(pad,sizeof(x)<<3-leading_zeros(x))
571 a = StringVector(i)
572 while i > neg
573 @inbounds a[i] = 48+(x&0x1)
574 x >>= 1
575 i -= 1
576 end
577 if neg; @inbounds a[1]=0x2d; end
578 String(a)
579 end
581 function oct(x::Unsigned, pad::Integer, neg::Bool)
582 i = neg + max(pad,div((sizeof(x)<<3)-leading_zeros(x)+2,3))
583 a = StringVector(i)
584 while i > neg
585 @inbounds a[i] = 48+(x&0x7)
586 x >>= 3
587 i -= 1
588 end
589 if neg; @inbounds a[1]=0x2d; end
590 String(a)
591 end
593 function dec(x::Unsigned, pad::Integer, neg::Bool)
594 i = neg + ndigits(x, base=10, pad=pad)
595 a = StringVector(i)
596 while i > neg
597 @inbounds a[i] = 48+rem(x,10)
598 x = oftype(x,div(x,10))
599 i -= 1
600 end
601 if neg; @inbounds a[1]=0x2d; end
602 String(a)
603 end
605 function hex(x::Unsigned, pad::Integer, neg::Bool)
606 i = neg + max(pad,(sizeof(x)<<1)-(leading_zeros(x)>>2))
607 a = StringVector(i)
608 while i > neg
609 d = x & 0xf
610 @inbounds a[i] = 48+d+39*(d>9)
611 x >>= 4
612 i -= 1
613 end
614 if neg; @inbounds a[1]=0x2d; end
615 String(a)
616 end
618 const base36digits = ['0':'9';'a':'z']
619 const base62digits = ['0':'9';'A':'Z';'a':'z']
621 function _base(b::Integer, x::Integer, pad::Integer, neg::Bool)
622 (x >= 0) | (b < 0) || throw(DomainError(x, "For negative `x`, `b` must be negative."))
623 2 <= abs(b) <= 62 || throw(DomainError(b, "base must satisfy 2 ≤ abs(base) ≤ 62"))
624 digits = abs(b) <= 36 ? base36digits : base62digits
625 i = neg + ndigits(x, base=b, pad=pad)
626 a = StringVector(i)
627 @inbounds while i > neg
628 if b > 0
629 a[i] = digits[1+rem(x,b)]
630 x = div(x,b)
631 else
632 a[i] = digits[1+mod(x,-b)]
633 x = cld(x,b)
634 end
635 i -= 1
636 end
637 if neg; a[1]='-'; end
638 String(a)
639 end
641 split_sign(n::Integer) = unsigned(abs(n)), n < 0
642 split_sign(n::Unsigned) = n, false
644 """
645 string(n::Integer; base::Integer = 10, pad::Integer = 1)
647 Convert an integer `n` to a string in the given `base`,
648 optionally specifying a number of digits to pad to.
650 ```jldoctest
651 julia> string(5, base = 13, pad = 4)
652 "0005"
654 julia> string(13, base = 5, pad = 4)
655 "0023"
656 ```
657 """
658 function string(n::Integer; base::Integer = 10, pad::Integer = 1)
659 if base == 2
660 (n_positive, neg) = split_sign(n)
661 bin(n_positive, pad, neg)
662 elseif base == 8
663 (n_positive, neg) = split_sign(n)
664 oct(n_positive, pad, neg)
665 elseif base == 10
666 (n_positive, neg) = split_sign(n)
667 dec(n_positive, pad, neg)
668 elseif base == 16
669 (n_positive, neg) = split_sign(n)
670 hex(n_positive, pad, neg)
671 else
672 _base(base, base > 0 ? unsigned(abs(n)) : convert(Signed, n), pad, (base>0) & (n<0))
673 end
674 end
676 string(b::Bool) = b ? "true" : "false"
678 """
679 bitstring(n)
681 A string giving the literal bit representation of a number.
683 # Examples
684 ```jldoctest
685 julia> bitstring(4)
686 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100"
688 julia> bitstring(2.2)
689 "0100000000000001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010"
690 ```
691 """
692 function bitstring end
694 bitstring(x::Union{Bool,Int8,UInt8}) = string(reinterpret(UInt8,x), pad = 8, base = 2)
695 bitstring(x::Union{Int16,UInt16,Float16}) = string(reinterpret(UInt16,x), pad = 16, base = 2)
696 bitstring(x::Union{Char,Int32,UInt32,Float32}) = string(reinterpret(UInt32,x), pad = 32, base = 2)
697 bitstring(x::Union{Int64,UInt64,Float64}) = string(reinterpret(UInt64,x), pad = 64, base = 2)
698 bitstring(x::Union{Int128,UInt128}) = string(reinterpret(UInt128,x), pad = 128, base = 2)
700 """
701 digits([T<:Integer], n::Integer; base::T = 10, pad::Integer = 1)
703 Return an array with element type `T` (default `Int`) of the digits of `n` in the given
704 base, optionally padded with zeros to a specified size. More significant digits are at
705 higher indices, such that `n == sum([digits[k]*base^(k-1) for k=1:length(digits)])`.
707 # Examples
708 ```jldoctest
709 julia> digits(10, base = 10)
710 2-element Array{Int64,1}:
711 0
712 1
714 julia> digits(10, base = 2)
715 4-element Array{Int64,1}:
716 0
717 1
718 0
719 1
721 julia> digits(10, base = 2, pad = 6)
722 6-element Array{Int64,1}:
723 0
724 1
725 0
726 1
727 0
728 0
729 ```
730 """
731 digits(n::Integer; base::Integer = 10, pad::Integer = 1) =
732 digits(typeof(base), n, base = base, pad = pad)
734 function digits(T::Type{<:Integer}, n::Integer; base::Integer = 10, pad::Integer = 1)
735 digits!(zeros(T, ndigits(n, base=base, pad=pad)), n, base=base)
736 end
738 """
739 hastypemax(T::Type) -> Bool
741 Return `true` if and only if `typemax(T)` is defined.
742 """
743 hastypemax(::Base.BitIntegerType) = true
744 hastypemax(::Type{T}) where {T} = applicable(typemax, T)
746 """
747 digits!(array, n::Integer; base::Integer = 10)
749 Fills an array of the digits of `n` in the given base. More significant digits are at higher
750 indices. If the array length is insufficient, the least significant digits are filled up to
751 the array length. If the array length is excessive, the excess portion is filled with zeros.
753 # Examples
754 ```jldoctest
755 julia> digits!([2,2,2,2], 10, base = 2)
756 4-element Array{Int64,1}:
757 0
758 1
759 0
760 1
762 julia> digits!([2,2,2,2,2,2], 10, base = 2)
763 6-element Array{Int64,1}:
764 0
765 1
766 0
767 1
768 0
769 0
770 ```
771 """
772 function digits!(a::AbstractVector{T}, n::Integer; base::Integer = 10) where T<:Integer
773 2 <= abs(base) || throw(DomainError(base, "base must be ≥ 2 or ≤ -2"))
774 hastypemax(T) && abs(base) - 1 > typemax(T) &&
775 throw(ArgumentError("type $T too small for base $base"))
776 isempty(a) && return a
778 if base > 0
779 if ispow2(base) && n >= 0 && n isa Base.BitInteger && base <= typemax(Int)
780 base = Int(base)
781 k = trailing_zeros(base)
782 c = base - 1
783 for i in eachindex(a)
784 a[i] = (n >> (k * (i - firstindex(a)))) & c
785 end
786 else
787 for i in eachindex(a)
788 n, d = divrem(n, base)
789 a[i] = d
790 end
791 end
792 else
793 # manually peel one loop iteration for type stability
794 n, d = fldmod(n, -base)
795 a[firstindex(a)] = d
796 n = -signed(n)
797 for i in firstindex(a)+1:lastindex(a)
798 n, d = fldmod(n, -base)
799 a[i] = d
800 n = -n
801 end
802 end
803 return a
804 end
806 """
807 isqrt(n::Integer)
809 Integer square root: the largest integer `m` such that `m*m <= n`.
811 ```jldoctest
812 julia> isqrt(5)
813 2
814 ```
815 """
816 isqrt(x::Integer) = oftype(x, trunc(sqrt(x)))
818 function isqrt(x::Union{Int64,UInt64,Int128,UInt128})
819 x==0 && return x
820 s = oftype(x, trunc(sqrt(x)))
821 # fix with a Newton iteration, since conversion to float discards
822 # too many bits.
823 s = (s + div(x,s)) >> 1
824 s*s > x ? s-1 : s
825 end
827 """
828 factorial(n::Integer)
830 Factorial of `n`. If `n` is an [`Integer`](@ref), the factorial is computed as an
831 integer (promoted to at least 64 bits). Note that this may overflow if `n` is not small,
832 but you can use `factorial(big(n))` to compute the result exactly in arbitrary precision.
834 # Examples
835 ```jldoctest
836 julia> factorial(6)
837 720
839 julia> factorial(21)
840 ERROR: OverflowError: 21 is too large to look up in the table; consider using `factorial(big(21))` instead
841 Stacktrace:
842 [...]
844 julia> factorial(big(21))
845 51090942171709440000
846 ```
848 # See also
849 * [`binomial`](@ref)
851 # External links
852 * [Factorial]( on Wikipedia.
853 """
854 function factorial(n::Integer)
855 n < 0 && throw(DomainError(n, "`n` must be nonnegative."))
856 f::typeof(n*n) = 1
857 for i::typeof(n*n) = 2:n
858 f *= i
859 end
860 return f
861 end
863 """
864 binomial(n::Integer, k::Integer)
866 The _binomial coefficient_ ``\\binom{n}{k}``, being the coefficient of the ``k``th term in
867 the polynomial expansion of ``(1+x)^n``.
869 If ``n`` is non-negative, then it is the number of ways to choose `k` out of `n` items:
870 ```math
871 \\binom{n}{k} = \\frac{n!}{k! (n-k)!}
872 ```
873 where ``n!`` is the [`factorial`](@ref) function.
875 If ``n`` is negative, then it is defined in terms of the identity
876 ```math
877 \\binom{n}{k} = (-1)^k \\binom{k-n-1}{k}
878 ```
880 # Examples
881 ```jldoctest
882 julia> binomial(5, 3)
883 10
885 julia> factorial(5) ÷ (factorial(5-3) * factorial(3))
886 10
888 julia> binomial(-5, 3)
889 -35
890 ```
892 # See also
893 * [`factorial`](@ref)
895 # External links
896 * [Binomial coeffient]( on Wikipedia.
897 """
898 function binomial(n::T, k::T) where T<:Integer
899 n0, k0 = n, k
900 k < 0 && return zero(T)
901 sgn = one(T)
902 if n < 0
903 n = -n + k -1
904 if isodd(k)
905 sgn = -sgn
906 end
907 end
908 k > n && return zero(T)
909 (k == 0 || k == n) && return sgn
910 k == 1 && return sgn*n
911 if k > (n>>1)
912 k = (n - k)
913 end
914 x::T = nn = n - k + 1
915 nn += 1
916 rr = 2
917 while rr <= k
918 xt = div(widemul(x, nn), rr)
919 x = xt % T
920 x == xt || throw(OverflowError("binomial($n0, $k0) overflows"))
921 rr += 1
922 nn += 1
923 end
924 convert(T, copysign(x, sgn))
925 end